Satellite Builder


The Satellite Builder build constructs Satellites from components documented here.

Note: In order to build the Satellite Builder it must be placed on top of an input plug.

There are five types of satellites that can be made, satellites with any one of these scanners used for asteroid prospecting: Distance, Mass, or Composition, satellites with an Ore Mapper to allow for planetary ore prospecting, and lastly satellites with microwave transmitters to allow power generation with the Microwave Receiver


The Main Component slot is where the main Component of a Satellite goes and determines the type of Satellite to be built.

The Component slot is where the different components for the satellite goes and determines aspects like energy and data storage capacities.

The ID chip slot is where a satellite ID chip must be placed in order to program it with the satellite's ID number so it can be used once placed in orbit.

The if a blank satellite, planet id, or station ID chip is placed in the copy slot and a non-blank chip of the same kind is placed in the ID chip slot, a copy can be made by pressing the green copy button on the far right of the GUI.

The output slot is where either the finished satellite or the copied chip is stored.